
May 27, 2021
Little States, Big Innovation: Israel X Rhode Island Episode 9 June 8th 12:00 pm
Each month the program will be bringing the best Israel has to offer to Rhode Island’s
community by introducing our community to some of Is

May 12, 2021
RIHCC and RIIC Celebrate Completion of Latino Biz Web Design Pilot Project
Rhode Island Hispanic Chamber and the Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) Celebrated Final of First Phase of the Latino Biz Web Design

May 11, 2021
Episode 2: Rhode Island –Israel Business Affairs Rush Hour Talk 2021 May 13th 5pm EST
Episode 2 of Quarterly Program May 13th at 5pm EST This program is in collaboration with the Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce, ...

May 10, 2021
Recording Conference Digital Health Using AI - Israel/Rhode Island
We are pleased to share the recording of the conference that took place May 6 2021, How Israelis and Rhode Islanders are using AI to...

May 5, 2021
FAITH, FAMILY & FREEDOM - A special online event for Yom Yerushalayim and also an economic project
rom Colonial Newport, Rhode Island to 2021 Jerusalem, Judah Touro will be remembered forever for the many gifts that he left in his final wi