The Rhode Island Israel Collaborative (RIIC) in collaboration with PashooTech Israel is pleased to announce that they will have an online two-day, free of charge, seminar for seniors to learn about artificial intelligence, (AI).
AI is rapidly gaining acceptance in youth worldwide in all phases of life. It is extremely important for seniors to understand what it is about, potential uses and risks.
The two sessions will be
September 11th and September 14th from 10:30 am EST to 11:30 am EST
Session 1 on September 11th will be introduction to AI - What is AI, How it works, demonstration on practical applications that everyone can use.
Session 2 on September 14th will cover AI Tools that everyone can use: ChatGPT, Text & Image generative AI

The lecture will be given by Gabi Arnovitz is the Co-Founder of Pashootech and a graduate in Economics and Business from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
With over 5 years of experience, Gabi is dedicated to teaching seniors valuable technology skills.
The event is free but registration is required. Information and registration to receive the Zoom link will be advised shortly
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