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Enhancing the economic relationship between Israel and Rhode Island is vital for our state…We are eager for Rhode Island to be the start-up state, in partnership with the start-up nation and plan to continue reaching out to Israeli counterparts and companies to build this relationship.”

-Stefan Pryor,
Rhode Island Secretary of Commerce


"I'm proud to endorse The Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative as an organization that fosters and develops economic advancement between Rhode Island and the State of Israel." 

-Ambassador Ze'ev Boker,

Israel Consul General to New England


"I am honored to endorse the creation of The Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative for the Promotion of Commerce, Academics and Science. …nothing can substitute for a focused, local organization connecting Rhode Island’s businesses and government with Israel.“

-Inon Elroy, 
Israel Economic Minister to North America 


"I am proud to endorse the creation of a new, nonprofit organization, The Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative for the Promotion of Commerce, Academics and Science in an effort to bring together the best of Israel and Rhode Island to benefit both communities and economies." 

-Yehuda Yaakov,

Former Israel Consul General to New England

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