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Dr. Alex Cutler

Alex Cutler is a board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist with a medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine/NY State American program in Tel Aviv, Israel.  Alex earned a bachelor’s in neuroscience with a minor in Spanish from Bates College, and a master’s in medical science from Boston University.


After graduating from Bates College in 2001, he spent the summer volunteering on ambulances with Magen David Adom (MDA) and he is the current chair of the northeast regional board of MDA. 


Alex is currently self employed in private practice in Worcester, MA, and also the consulting psychiatrist to Clark University, College of the Holy Cross and Assumption University. Married in Yaffo in 2010,


Alex moved to Providence, RI in 2017. He lives with his wife May-Tal who is an infertility doctor at Woman & Infant’s Hospital/Brown University. He has 2 children who attend the Jewish Community Day School (JCDS).  See also link to his professional webpage.

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